Xerostomia – Dry mouth: Causes and Treatment

A common condition that we see amongst patients is xerostomia. Caused by the decreased production of saliva, patients can often have varied degrees of dry mouth from mild to severe. But why can dry mouth affect our dental health and what can we do to prevent it? Dry Mouth and Dental Health One of the…

Healthy Teeth and Gums in Pregnancy

It is always important to look out for your teeth and attend your regular check ups with your dentist. For people who are considering becoming pregnant, this importance rises. Your body goes through so many changes that affect your body during pregnancy and understanding how those changes affect your dental health will ensure that you’re…

cold toothache
Ice-cream toothache: Cold food and drinks pain explained

Scientists believe they have worked out why biting down on ice or drinking something really cold causes excruciating pain for some people. They have located the cells and signals in sensitive teeth that detect big temperature drops and trigger toothache and brain jolt. People with dental decay are prone to it because the pathway is…

pro mouthguard
The Importance Of Mouthguards

The Importance Of Wearing A Quality Mouthguard Sport is a huge part of our local community, and we have a wide number of our patients who are involved in local sporting teams. We always recommend a mouthguard when playing any sport. But why are they so important? A mouthguard is a protective barrier that fits…

tongue brushing
How To Clean Your Tongue And Why You Should Do It

How often do you consciously clean your tongue with a brush or other tool? We all understand how important it is to brush your teeth each day, however the importance of cleaning your tongue is often overlooked. Are you supposed to brush your tongue each day? Yes. Here are some of the main reasons why….

dental check ups important
The 5 Main Reasons Not To Skip Your Dental Check Up

We understand that a visit to the dentist for a check-up is not everyone’s idea of a fun day out. One trend that we have noticed with check-ups however, is that when some patients get a tick of health, they consider skipping a check-up or two. With Covid, other patients have skipped a check up…